
Renovation of the Itkonniemi water plant


The main water plant of the City of Kuopio is the Itkonniemi water plant, which began its operations in 1913. The plant has been renovated and expanded on several occasions since its commissioning. In 2020, a major renovation project was launched to ensure the smooth operation of water production and good water quality for a long time to come.


Filtered artificial groundwater from Kallavesi is transferred to Itkonniemi from two places. There is humus in the surface water, and in the other branch, the water requires additional cleaning before it is introduced into the water supply network.


As a subcontractor, Econet was responsible for the renovation of the machinery and piping in the filtration tanks. The water treatment processes remain the same, but were made more efficient and secure.

“We improved the water treatment of the plant by building activated carbon filters as an extension of the existing treatment process to eliminate humus and unwanted odours and flavours. In addition, the plant switched to the use of UV light for the disinfection of outgoing water, the equipment for which was included in the scope of our contract. Together with bound chlorine, the disinfection’s effect lasts longer in the network, and the taste of chlorine is less intense,” says Ilkka Niskanen, Project Manager at Econet.

The water treatment process and water distribution functioned continuously throughout the renovation project, except for scheduled interruptions, and customers received high-quality water in all situations.

The coronavirus pandemic brought additional challenges to the project.

“There were many benefits to using 3D modeling in pipe planning during work. For example, we were able to dimension the pipe sections to be installed more easily and graphically remotely,” Niskanen describes.


Contact us

Ilkka Niskanen
Project Manager